
Thursday, November 2, 2017

A Good Way to Wake Up

I woke up this morning singing this song in my head.  (Listen the whole thing.  It is so good!)

Such a wonderful way to wake up, especially after yesterday's dream of my husband making eyes at another woman and a previous dream of my teeth falling out and having cancer.  Generally, I wake up with anxiety already creeping into my brain.

But, Oh, I love waking up with a good song like that in my heart!

[Speaking of cancer:  The songs by this band are even more precious to me because of the journey of one of its members through leukemia.  He's the guy in the hat in the video.  I know that their encouraging, heart-felt songs are not just words, but things they have lived through.  They speak from a place of real knowledge about real pain, not just head knowledge.  It makes their songs so much more powerful and inspiring.  Thank you, City Harmonic!  You have no idea how much your music means to me and how much it kept me afloat last year, the year I broke.]