
Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Whiner Babies are at it again! This time over a chicken sandwich.

It's June 12, 2018!  And seriously, people ... you're at it again, aren't you!?!

This time criticizing someone for eating the food he wanted to eat!  

Why does everything have to be so political?  Why does every choice we make have to be a statement about our values and political stands?  You are dividing our country and causing problems where there doesn't need to be any.  You are making issues out of things that are not issues ... and it'll only end badly.

There are school shootings and nuclear threats and destructive volcanoes and wildfires and rising suicide rates ... and you're going to get all crazy about what restaurant some guy eats at!  

What the heck is wrong with you!?!

Hey, guess what ... sometimes a chicken sandwich is just a chicken sandwich!

If I were this guy, I would NOT have apologized for going to the restaurant I wanted to go to.  I would have said, "Hey, Whiner Babies, mind your own business!  You have no right to judge me for eating what and where I want to eat.  I am not making any kind of political statement; I just wanted a chicken sandwich!  So mind your own freakin' business before I get all on your case about every little decision you make, judging every action you take as some sort of political stand or moral statement, and throwing you under the 'social media bus,' encouraging others to attack you and destroy your reputation!"

We have to stop letting these people feel like they have a right to judge all of our choices and to turn everything we do into some sort of controversy.  Don't apologize.  Don't appease them.  Don't give them the time of day.  Let them foam at the mouth and implode in anger; just don't let them feel like they have any kind of power over you, to shame you or make you into their little puppets.  If you do, they'll just keep at it.  Growing bolder and attacking more and more ... until they beat everyone else into submission.

Grow up, Whiner Babies!  You are the biggest bunch of immature bullies around, living like you have the right to intimidate everyone into doing what you want them to do.  Were you so pampered as a child - given everything you wanted and raised to believe that the world revolves around you - that you can't tolerate anyone doing something you don't agree with?  That you feel you have a right to force your ways on everyone else around you, through intimidation and condemnation?  Whining about everything until you get your way?  

You are no better than playground bullies scaring everyone into being on your side and ganging up on anyone not on your side!

Grow up and join the real world!  Not everything can go your way.  Not everyone wants to hear your opinion on their lives.  Not everyone sees things the way you do.  And no one has to answer to you for eating a chicken sandwich!  

Learn to live in a world where people will do things differently from you.  Learn to tolerate those who make decisions you don't like.  Learn to see people as people, not just as an anti-LQBTQ chicken-sandwich-eater.  Learn to treat others with respect, instead of tearing them down in judgmental smugness.  

Not everything is about you.  Not everything is some huge moral statement.  And you have no right to stick your nose into everyone else's business.  Learn to let others live their own lives.  Worry about your own.  Before you tear our country apart!