
Monday, November 27, 2017

Scolding Chris Pratt for praying? Seriously!?!

Okay ... So apparently people are jumping all over Chris Pratt because he said he's praying for Kevin Smith after his serious heart-attack.  They are complaining and criticizing prayer because it falls short of doing something to help.  Because they don't believe it does any good.  

Hey Complainers ...

What are YOU doing for Kevin Smith besides complaining about Chris Pratt!?!  

Seriously ... Does your complaining help him at all?  Does it show loving support?  Is complaining and criticizing others better than praying to God for someone in need?

And since you clearly don't value prayer or believe in a God who answers prayer, who will you turn to when you find yourself in deep need, unable to help yourself?  To your fellow complainers?  To those who will attack anyone who sends prayers to God for you?  Good luck with that!

And God bless Chris Pratt for publicly standing up for prayer and for a God who hears our prayers!  And may the Lord bless Kevin Smith through those prayers.  

(written 3\02\18)