
Friday, November 10, 2017

Removing Crosses?

Churches and Christian organizations are removing crosses so that they don't offend non-Christians.

Once again, we are worried about offending non-believers, but we are not worried about offending God. 

Are we going to stand before non-believers at the Judgment Seat?  Will they be the ones to determine our eternal punishment or reward?

Why are we softening and erasing Truth in order to please a rebellious people?  God didn't intend for His Truth to be comforting to rebellious people, to those who reject Him.  He intended it to be convicting, to be uncomfortable, to warn them of the dangers of resisting Him, to help them find salvation and a path out of hell.

And we here are ... appeasing them, making them feel good about their waywardness, making them feel comfortable in their rebellion, removing anything that might convict them or challenge the way they believe and live, comforting them on their journey to hell.

They will be accountable to God for their rebellion, for their hard hearts.

But we will be accountable to God for making them feel good about it.

Shame on us!  Shame on those who call evil "good," who deny the Lord to please men, who make people feel good about living in rebellion, who remove any traces of the only One who can save our souls from hell. 

You have no right to call yourself "Christian" when you deny the very Christ you claim to represent, when you are ashamed of the One who died so that you could live! 

Shame on you!  Denying Christ to please Satan, furthering the Devil's agenda and increasing his kingdom! 

Call yourself something else ... anything else ... just don't call yourself a "Christ-follower."  You have no right!

Luke 12:9:  “But he who disowns me [Jesus] before men will be disowned before the angels of God.”