
Monday, August 26, 2019

Best Pan-Scrubber for Non-Teflon Pans

Awhile back, I was trying to scrub off the cooked-on egg that was stuck to my non-Teflon-coated pans.  I tried rags.  I tried scrubby sponges.  I tried adding a layer of baking soda and salt to see if the extra abrasiveness would help.  

Nothing seemed to work.  The layer of egg was too thick and too stuck.  

My elbow and shoulder were beginning to ache because I was working so hard to get this egg off.  And so knowing that I was losing the battle, I looked around on my countertop in desperation for anything I could use to scratch the egg off.

A fork?  No, too sharp.  It'll scratch the pan.  

An egg-covered spatula?  Once again, too sharp.  And the edge is covered in cooked-on egg too, so I guess I'll need to work on scrubbing that egg off also.

A knife's edge?  Stabbing into the egg with enough pressure to cut through the egg but not too much that I cut through my hand or scratch the pan?  Yeah right!

And that's when I stumbled upon it ... the best egg-scrubber for regular metal pans (pans that are NOT non-stick!): 

A large green lid to a Simply Lemonade bottle.

I tell you, these things fit perfectly in your hand, and they have just enough rigidness to scrape off a layer of egg, but they have smooth-enough edges that they won't scratch your pans.  They break up the egg just enough that anything left on the pan can be easily scrubbed off with a scrubby sponge.  

(Once again, DO NOT use on non-stick or Teflon-coated pans, though, just the regular metal pans with no coating!)  

And when you have to throw one out, another one is usually available pretty quickly, as long as you buy Simply Lemonade or Simply Orange Juice again.  (You can use other lids too, I'm sure.  But I like the size of these.  It makes them easier to grip.)

Anyway, just passing on this little tidbit, helping to save your time and elbows and shoulders!