
Saturday, October 10, 2020

Super-Short Version of "How to Tell if a Church, Pastor, or Website is Calvinist"

I recently edited my post on identifying Calvinist churches, pastors, and websites to make it as short as I possible could.  Click here to see this new, shortened post on my other blog.  There are links on that post to the longer versions of it.

I also added this to the bottom of those posts, just for fun:

Two videos I love:

Hitler and Calvinism - (4 minutes long) Love it!  Love it!  Love it!

Greg Boyd - Calvinism Refuted in 10 Minutes - Excellent!  MUST WATCH!!!  And he makes a great point about how Calvi-god is basically worse than the devil because at least the devil is honest about who he is, and so you know what you're getting with him!  But not so with Calvi-god!