
Friday, May 27, 2022

Something smells fishy here!

Does it seem strange to anyone else that there were (according to various news sources) monkeyp0x outbreaks in the past (almost 50 cases in the U.S. in 2003, over 4,000 cases worldwide in 2020, nearly 4,000 cases worldwide in 2019, etc.) and yet barely anyone blinked and no hysteria was generated over it then ... but now, after a handful of cases in the world and one case in the US, the newspapers make it seem apocalyptic and the US rushes out and buys 13 million doses of vaccine?  

Why didn't we react like this the other times?  Why now?  

Could it be because our "president" wants to scare people enough that we gladly hand our medical sovereignty over to the W.H.O.?  Could it be because midterms are coming up and he wants people to be impressed by how quickly he responds to these "pandemics"?  (Isn't it interesting that in 2021, a world-wide "monkeyp0x" simulation was played out, just like the coron@viru$ before the "pandemic" hit?)  Could it be because they need more fear-mongering to condition people for the coming one-world government?  Could it be because "they" know that the coron@viru$ v@ccine has weakened everyone's immune system, making these kinds of viruses more deadly than they were previously?  Could it be that "they" need more people to get more v@ccine$ to weaken more immune systems so that they can wipe out more people to reach their goal of reducing the world population to 500 million?  Could it be because the media and those in power are playing us for fools?   

Who knows!?!  But something smells fishy here!  This kind of massive, hysterical reaction doesn't fit, not when we've had other outbreaks before with much weaker reactions.