
Saturday, May 28, 2022

I once read ...

I once read - after another mass shooting - someone who noted that there's always a mass shooting before major elections in our country.  

I'm beginning to agree.

And why might this be happening now?

I'm wondering if it's because "they" don't want to lose more democrats come election time.  

And so ... a little "accidental" leak from the Supreme Court about reversing Roe v. Wade to make people freak-out about losing their "right" to abortion ... a little disease "plandemic" to make people see the need for our personal rights to be taken away, "for our good" ... a little mass shooting to show the need to take people's guns away (Do you really think criminals won't get guns if they are illegal?  Did making drugs illegal ever stop criminals from getting them?  No.  All it does is stop the law-abiding citizens.  All it does is ensure that those who wouldn't use guns wrong, who could help protect us if the time came, wouldn't have guns while the "bad guys" had them all.) ... and, boom, you've got a bunch of people thinking "I had better vote democrat this year, even if I don't want to.  I had better bow down and kiss the feet of the globalists who want to take over the world.  I had better begin to memorize their mottos 'War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength' (Orwell, Nineteen Eight-Four) and 'Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad' (Orwell, Animal Farm)."

But ... I'm just speculating here. 

Or maybe "their" intentions really are honorable and the timing of everything really is just coincidental and there's nothing Orwellian about their agendas.  😉