
Monday, September 13, 2021

Can We All Agree On This Much About The "Vac$ine"?

I'm going to be starting up this blog again, posting (among other things) about a passion of mine: Books.  But first, I want to get this out of the way...

I'm sure no one wants to hear yet another opinion about the dang viru$ and "vac$ine" (and so don't read this if you don't want to).  But, even though I have very strong opinions about all this and very strong reasons for my opinions (I'll be fiercely biting my tongue trying to keep the bulk of my thoughts and my sarcasm to myself), I will say this much about it ... and then I'll move on:

There are risks on both sides, whether you get or don't get the "vac$ine".  Of the eight people I personally know of (family, friends, or the family of close friends) who ended up in the hospital so far as a result of this pl@ndemic, I know at least five of them had gotten the "vac$ine": two went to the hospital because of reactions to it, and three got the "vac$ine" but then got the viru$ so badly anyway that they ended up in the hospital.  (Of the other three, two did not get the "vac$ine" but I'm not sure about the third.)    

Don't fool yourselves.  There are risks for the vac$inated as well as for the unvac$inated.  And each side has their own scientific support.  And every body is different.  

[Did you know that I read an article that said that the "vac$ine" isn't even meant to identify the coronaviru$ specifically but just $pike proteins in general, that scientists sucked all the genetic material out of the coronaviru$, keeping just the spiky-shell, and filled it with their own, created, RNA strands which will then replicate in your body, filling your cells with this GMO-RNA, training them to identify and attack anything with a $pike protein, which would mean that it could attack naturally-occurring $pike proteins found in our bodies, such as in women's reproductive organs?  

It makes me wonder if that's why we're seeing articles about changes in women's periods, that it's attacking their ovaries.  (Want to hear my "conspiracy theory"?  I wonder if this whole thing was planned from the beginning to sterilize women to bring the world population down.  But since they know they can't openly attack women's reproduction, they tinkered with a viru$ with the same kind of $pike proteins found in ovaries so that they could release it and cause a pl@ndemic, then make a "vac$ine" to "fix" it and be heroes, all while knowing it would also attack women's ovaries and make them sterile, which was their plan all along.  Just a wild idea and no way it could be true.  Right!?!)  

UPDATE: According to this article - "How the 'Vaccine' Affects the Body, What Corporate Media Will Never Tell You" - the vac$ine possible trains your cells to create spike proteins which it will then attack, leading to autoimmune disorders.  It's worth considering.]    

So do your own research and make the decision that's best for you, and don't let anyone manipulate you otherwise.  

[Did you know that I read several articles that said that the Pf1zer "vac$ine" that's currently in use is not really even approved despite the media claiming so, but that what's really been approved is a license application for a boo$ter that won't even be in use till 2024 called C0mirnaty ... but they try to excuse it by saying that it's got the same ingredients as the current Pf1zer "vac$ine"?  

(If it's got the same ingredients, then why didn't they approve the one currently in use?  And if the one that did get approved isn't even approved for use yet - not until possibly 2024 - then doesn't that mean that the one currently in use, with the same ingredients, shouldn't be approved for use till 2024?  From what I read, despite the so-called "approval," the c0vid "vac$ine" hasn't yet completed clinical testing.  Not till at least 2023, at the earliest.)  

And one thing to verify this as true is that emergency-use vac$ines are only allowed when there is no officially-approved vac$ine available, but once an officially-approved vac$ine becomes available, they discontinue the emergency-use ones.  So have they stopped using all the other emergency-use ones?  

UPDATE: And according to this article - "Ghost Shot: Pfizer quietly admits it will never manufacture original FDA approved Covid vaccines" - it sounds like not only did they bait-and-switch us into thinking that the "vac$ine" everyone was getting was approved when what was really approved was the unavailable c0mirnaty, but then they bait-and-switched us again by now saying they won't manufacture the approved one but some other one that has a different component in it to make it safer with less refrigeration, but yet the formulation with that added ingredient was not tested.  If all this is legit and on the up and up, then why the need for all the deception?]  

No one has the right to tell anyone else what they should decide about this.  You can tell them why you chose what you did, but you have no right to force them to make the same decision you did.  (Unless you'd like to someday lose your right to make your own decisions too.  Have you read Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four?  I have.  It's terrifying.)  

You got to choose which risk you were willing to take; now let others decide which risk they're willing to take.  And so unless you want to be held responsible for what happens to someone else, shut up and let them make their own decision.

[Did you know that I just read an article which analyzes the data on the V@ERS website and states that there have been more deaths (over 16,000) related to the c0vid "vac$ine" from Dec 2020 till now (my neighbor said that a different source says 50,000) than there has been for all other vac$ines combined from 1990 to now (over 9,000) ... and permanent disabilities (over 23,000 for c0vid $hot, 19,000 for all others) ... and the number of office visits (over 121,000 for c0vid $hot, 43,000 for all others) ... and the number of birth defects (over 500 for c0vid $hot, but less than 200 for all others)?  And the number of adverse reactions and hospitalizations are alarmingly close.  For adverse reactions, it's over 778,000 for the c0vid $hot, 824,000 for all others.  And for hospitalizations, it's over 75,000 for the c0vid $hot, and over 78,000 for all others.  

The c0vid $hot - in less than 1 year - has done almost the same amount (or more) of health damage that it took all other $hots combined over 30 years to do.  Remarkable.  

(Also, there's articles out about how a bunch of people dropped out of the "vac$ine" trials and how the researchers lost track of some of the pregnant women after the trials so they don't know what happened to them afterwards.  I wonder if this is deliberate.  If you lose the people who are having bad reactions to the $hot$, then you don't have to record their adverse reactions in your results, right?)  

And did you know that I also read an article quoting a doctor who reported major increases in cancers (particularly endometrial cancer, as well as melanomas, shingles, herpes, mono, and HPV) in his patients since the c0vid "vac$ine" came out, saying that it appears that the "vac$ine" interferes with people's immune systems, suppressing their ability to fight these things off?  Along these lines, my neighbor recently told me of an article she read where a doctor reported that since the "vac$ine" roll-out, many patients who were previously in remission for cancer suddenly ended up with terminal cancer very quickly.  Coincidence?  

She also told me that she read an article reporting that the "vac$ine" is altering the shape of cells in people's blood, causing them to become spiky instead of smooth and round, meaning that when the cells try to go through the tiny capillaries, they will get clogged up and cause clots and blockages and strokes, which probably also means that the heart will try to work harder to get the blood around the body, possibly leading to heart attacks or enlarged hearts.  I haven't seen this article myself, but it fits with the reports I'm seeing.  Once again, coincidence?  (I think she said the article gave people who got the $hot about 3 years before it overtakes them.)  

UPDATE: Did you hear about SADS, the new "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome"?  "They" might say that they don't know what's causing it, but I think the rest of us do.]   

And so I don't want to hear any more of that pathetic, manipulative garbage that people need to get the $hot in order to protect everyone else.  If the "vac$ine" works then you wouldn't have to worry whether someone else gets it or not, because you should be protected regardless, right?  

[And if you have to be worried anyway, then why are you taking the extra risk?  And did you know that I just read that the powers-that-be just changed the definition of "vac$ine," reducing what it's supposed to accomplish from providing immunity to providing merely "protection"?  And that in December 2019 - shortly before the pl@ndemic - they removed the previous restriction that vac$ines can't be synthetically, chemically-synthesized (like the mRNA "vac$ines" are, meaning that under previous rules, the c0vid "vac$ine" wouldn't be allowed to be called "vac$ine")?  

It's almost like they knew what was coming and that they would need to open the door for the c0vid "vac$ine" ahead of time.  

Coincidence!?!  I think NOT!  

Do you really still think all this wasn't planned out ahead of time?  

(Have you seen the super-creepy opening show for the 2012 Olympics in London?  Click here for a 2 -minute clip of it and click here for a 4+-minute video where some of the symbolism is highlighted (and a 24-minute video that gets even deeper behind the scenes, but, fyi, I've never heard of this guy before), and you decide if it looks like they could be announcing what's coming or not, if the stage looks like a giant coronaviru$ or not.  It looks like possible predictive programming to me.  I'm just sayin'.)  

Side note: I think Fauci was very sly, deceptive, and strategic in claiming that he and his fellow scientists don't call it "gain of function," when it comes to training the viru$ to adapt.  Of course they won't call it that.  That would be admitting that they knew what they were doing all along.  But refusing to call it what it really is doesn't mean that it's not gain of function.  Call it what whatever you want, the truth is still the truth.]  

But not only can/do the vac$inated still get/spread the viru$ anyway, but many people are reacting badly to the "vac$ine$," and some are dying from it.  And so all you're really doing by demanding that everyone gets the $hot in order to "protect" other people is trading one life for another, demanding that people potentially sacrifice themselves for others.  You accuse them of showing disregard for the health/lives of other people, but you are doing the exact same thing to them.  Hypocrites!  (And you know who you are.)  

[Did you know that I just read that a hospital doesn't have to report people as "vac$inated" until it's 14 days after their second $hot?  Therefore, any reaction before that point, even if it's totally related to the "vac$ine," may be listed as a reaction in an "unvac$inated" person.  Can you imagine how badly that would skew the numbers being reported?  It's criminal!  You cannot trust the "data" at all!]  

We're all scared.  No matter what we choose, we are all at risk.  Two risks if you get the "vac$ine": One risk that you might react to it or to one of the many boo$ter$ (and who really knows the long-term consequences of all that?), and a second risk that you might still get the viru$ anyway.  Nothing is sure-fire.  

[Did you know that I read an article that reported that the British government (the U.K. Health Security Agency) reported that people who got the "vac$ine" have lowered natural immunity to the viru$, and that it will probably be permanent, meaning that they can never again acquire full immunity even after getting the viru$, as you normally would after encountering viruses naturally (I'm guessing it would make them forever dependent on the "vac$ine" boo$ter$ - a brilliant marketing move), and also meaning that the viru$ will probably mutate in that direction, taking advantage of and growing stronger because of the lowered immunity of vac$inated people, giving the viru$ a strong foothold in the population (kinda like how antibiotic overuse actually leads to bacteria growing stronger and more resistant to treatment, leading to more antibiotic use)?  

(I also just read an article which said that a Swedish study of vac$inated people shows that for the Pf1zer "vac$ine," immunity drops to under 50% in 4 months and that there is no measurable protection after 7 months.  And the Astr@zenec@ one is even worse, with immunity waning even faster and sometimes even becoming negative.  Like I said: Forever dependent on vac$ines now.)     

And did you know that I read an article in the early months of this pl@ndemic which reported that there were already dozens of variants early on, because this viru$s is an RNA-type viru$ which means it will always mutate no matter what, just like cold and flu viruses, which means it will always be with us, which means a vac$ine cannot - and never could - eliminate it.  But then the media and the powers-that-be go and blame the unvac$inated for causing mutations/variants, as if it wouldn't have happened if everyone was vac$inated.  

To quote Alicia Silverstone's character, Cher, in Clueless: "AS IF!" and "Whatever!"  RNA-types will always mutate no matter what.  That's no surprise.  A vac$ine will not - cannot - stop it.  But they act like it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the unvac$inated.  And the masses eat it up, happy to have someone to blame, playing right into the hands of those in power who want to brainwash people into falling into line, into unthinking obedience and devotion to government, and who are purposely (I believe) creating chaos and division for political purposes.  Question: Have we cured the flu yet with vac$ines?  No.  Instead of curing it, I see articles every winter about how "this is the worst flu season since ...".  So much for vac$ines curing RNA-type viruses!  

(And if vac$ines for viruses like the flu "work so well," why the need to make a whole new kind of genetically-altered, never-before-seen-or-used "vac$ine," and then to push it through so fast - manipulating, shaming, bribing, bullying the masses into taking it as quickly as possible, under threat of "world-wide doom" and complete loss of personal rights and freedoms if we don't immediately take it - that they didn't even take the time to properly test it or approve it?  Does this not sound fishy?  Like there are deeper things going on here?  Deeper, hidden, dare I say "sinister" motives and agendas?)  

So don't blame the unvac$inated for the variants.  Blame the ones who created and "released" an RNA-viru$ which was trained to jump to humans and spread in a "we don't call it gain-of-function" way!]  

So be wise, make an educated decision, take reasonable precautions no matter what you choose, and respect other people's right to do what they think is best for them.  

[Do you know that I think we're being lied to about what "herd immunity" really is?  True herd immunity used to be when a virus worked its way through a population and people got natural immunity to it that was passed on to the next generation through pregnancy and breastfeeding.  But the "scientists" want you to believe that "herd immunity" is when enough people are vac$inated that it supposedly stops the virus from spreading.  

Do you know that I once read a book about how, historically, most viruses naturally worked themselves out of the population almost completely before the vac$ine was fully tested, approved, and released?  That the vac$ines are introduced at the tail-end of a virus running its course through a population, so that it only appears that the vac$ine cured it, when in reality it was almost totally finished on its own?  

From all the info I've gathered, vac$ine$ do not cure pandemics or lead to real "herd immunity," but they actually interfere with true herd immunity and the immunity that would be passed on to future generations, leading to unnatural consequences, an increase in other disorders, and a growing dependency on this artificial "immunity."  I'm just sayin'.]  

UPDATE: Watch this 2-minute clip, and see if you still think this whole coronavirus thing wasn't planned from the beginning:

BOMBSHELL: Video emerges where Fauci and others planned for a "Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine" which became the "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine" because people were not afraid enough of the flu virus

Sounds a little familiar, doesn't it?  

An mRNA "vac$ine" has been planned and they want people to take it ... but because it would take a decade to properly test it and get people to put faith in it, they need some sort of major disruption that would cause so much "excitement" that it would bypass "bureaucratic strings and processes," to circumvent the normal process of vaccine production and testing.  (That alone is very telling, that they know it should take a decade to do it all safely and to get people on board properly.  And yet, this coronavirus "vac$ine" - a brand new type - was produced, tested, and shoved into most people's arms in just over a year after the virus spread worldwide.) 

On a different note, did you know that the info sheet on the coronavirus "vac$ine" (can't remember which one) clearly says that there is no actual piece of coronaviru$ in it?

From what I can tell, the "vac$ine" is trained not to recognize the coronavirus specifically but to recognize and attack spike proteins.  And - here's the scary part - there are naturally occurring spike proteins in our bodies.  

You do the math.

I became very suspicious of the "vac$ine" very early on because before anyone knew what we were really dealing with (but I'm sure "they" knew, of course), "they" began chanting "As soon as we have a vaccine, everything will go back to normal.  A universal vaccine will fix it all.  Everything will be okay when everyone's vaccinated.  Only a vaccine can save us."

If "they" burst out of the gate with that line (and held tight to it in spite of problems with the "vac$ine$"), I believe it's because "they" had it planned all along and needed to brainwash as many people as possible as early as possible into following the plan.

[You know what?  I'm kinda wondering something here.  I have a friend whose Harvard-graduate spouse was working on a "top secret" project about a decade or two ago.  Come to find out, he is a scientist and expert in the field of mRNA viruses.  Hmm?  Makes me wonder what exactly the "top secret" project was and if it has anything to do with the coronavirus and how long this whole thing has been planned.  Just speculating, but something has been off about this whole thing from the beginning.]

There!  I'm done talking about this now.  And even though we can't all agree on much else, I hope we can at least all agree on this: There are serious risks on both sides, and so everyone should be allowed to choose which risk they take.  

[Did you know I just read an article which said there's a 32% rise in c0ovid cases among kids compared to cases two weeks ago?  140,000 cases between Nov 11 and Nov 18, compared to 107,000 for the week ending on Nov 4.  And when did the "emergency-use" vac$ine become available for kids aged 5-11?  October 29.  Yep ... "Nothing to see here, folks!  Everything's fine.  It's just a coincidence that cases skyrocket after the jab.  But ignore all that, and go out and get jabbed anyway, just like we told you, and everything will be fine.  Always remember our favorite slogan: Ignorance is strength (Orwell, 1984)."]

[Maybe we should all spend a little less time on the toxic social media sites and on the biased, wishy-washy news - political propaganda! - and a little more time focusing on the only sure and stable thing there really is: God.  Jesus.  Faith.  Eternity.  We will all meet our Maker someday.  Maybe sooner than later.  Maybe because of the viru$ or "vac$ine."  Are you ready?]

[See?  I told you'd I'd bite my tongue.  And I think I did a pretty good job of it.]  

And just for fun (my fun!):

(Meme from IMGFLIP: Orwell's 1984 and America)

(P.S. One of the funniest things I've recently seen online is people changing the name C0vid-19 to C0vid-1984.  Ha ha, too funny, because it's so on the mark.  But also too sad, because it's so on the mark.  Seriously, read the book, because it's shockingly timely ... but also don't read the book, because it's freakin' terrifying.  And just a thought, but if you don't think it's scary, it may be because you're on the wrong side.)