
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas To All!

Merry Christmas, Everyone!  May God bless you today and this next year.  May He show Himself to you in new ways, to encourage you, to help you along the hard paths, to restore your faith in Him (or draw you to Him for the first time), to lift you up when your heart is broken.

A song that I love: Hallelujah Christmas (Cloverton)

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the LORD."  Luke 2:11

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16

"... if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.... Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."  Romans 10:9, 13

Monday, December 23, 2019

And Finally, Little Drummer Boy #4

And finally, this is Bob Seger's version of Little Drummer Boy.  I love this song.  And I love how he pours himself into it.  (But my favorite version will always be For King and Country.  I'm addicted to it!)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Little Drummer Boy #3

Here's a great a cappella version of Little Drummer Boy from Pentatonix.  How beautiful it can be with just voices.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Little Drummer Boy #2

This is a very different version than Little Drummer Boy #1, but it's very beautiful.  Serene. 

Little Drummer Boy #2 by Lauren Daigle

Thursday, December 12, 2019

We'll make it through this together!

I didn't know if I was going to bring this up again or not.  In some ways, I want to go about my days as if it never happened.  I don't really like talking about it because then my mind goes to dark places.  And I get into an emotional funk.  (You'd think I would be comfortable with emotional funks by this point.  I've had so many of them.)  

But in some ways, I have to talk about it (and write about it) because that's how I process it, how I get it out of my system, how I try to support others who are going through hard things too, how I try to turn it around for good in any way I can, and how I search for the silver linings.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Little Drummer Boy #1

My all-time favorite classic Christmas song has got to be the Little Drummer Boy.   If I’m listening to this song and start to think too much about it, I start to well up with tears.  Every time.

My sons occasionally ask me why this is my favorite Christmas song.  

“It’s stupid and it doesn’t make sense,” they say.

I answer like this: “This song is about a little boy who’s poor.  And he wants to bring Jesus a gift.  But he doesn’t have anything to give him.  And so he gives the baby Jesus the only gift he has to give – a song.  And this poor boy is drumming his little heart out for the Lord, because that’s all he has to give.  But it’s enough.  And the baby Jesus smiles.”

Usually, I am trying to hold back tears as I share this with my sons.  But they simply reply that it's still stupid, before running off to play.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Greeting Card Headaches

Finding the right greeting card can be so frustrating.  

Like, where is the "I'm sorry you got arrested and will probably spend the rest of your life in prison ... but even though this terribly affected our family and friends forever, I love you anyway and hope you have as merry of a Christmas as you can, under these circumstances" kind of card?

Oh, the headaches of trying to find the perfect card!

(And, no, I'm not joking.  I mean, yes I am, to a degree.  But in a "if I don't laugh about it, then I'll cry" kind of way.)

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Dealing With Daily Anxiety

Given all the stress that's gone on in my life over the years (especially the past 3), I face daily anxiety.  At times it's been nearly overwhelming.  Terrifyingly overwhelming.  But lately, it's been a simmering anxiety that is there the moment I wake up.  And I'm always afraid I am going to lose it, that something else will happen that will knock me off my feet.  And so I need to do what I can to get a grip on fear from the minute I wake up.

Of course, I've written before on anxiety and on ways I've dealt with it over the years.

But lately, my daily, morning "plan" (even before breakfast, because I've had a hard time eating lately from stress) includes praying (sometimes even just the Lord's prayer), reading my Bible and an inspirational godly book, and watching a Tony Evans sermon.  (I also have to remind myself that fear lies, and that with a little time, help, and effort, I've gotten past the fear every morning.)

I need to be nestled up to God and immersed in His Truth daily.  I need to call out to Him in prayer, even if I really have no words other than "Oh, God.  I need You."  I need to read God's Word, meditate on it, and hear it preached from someone I trust.  I need to listen to godly, encouraging music.  Sometimes, I need to approach it more deliberately as a "spiritual warfare" thing.  (Here are 80+ Verses for Spiritual Warfare.) 

Basically, I just need more and more of God, of Jesus, every day. 

I don't know how people make it through this stressful life without Him.

Parts of Psalm 18, with my small additions in brackets:

"I love you, LORD, my strength.  The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.  I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies.  The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.  The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me.  In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.... 

He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.  He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, [from my fears] who were too strong for me.... 

With your help I can advance against a troop [of fears and trials]; with my God I can scale a wall.  As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.  For who is God besides the LORD?  And who is the Rock except our God?  It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.  He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights.  He trains my hands for [spiritual] battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.  You make your saving help my shield, and your right hand sustains me; your help has made me great.  You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way.... 

The LORD lives!  Praise be to my Rock!  Exalted be God my Savior!  Therefore I will praise you, LORD, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name."

Click here for a playlist of Tony Evans Sermons and click here for my own list of favorite sermons of his.  And here are a couple other posts I've written on dealing with anxiety: Help for Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Thoughts and Getting Through The "Broken" Times.

(If you're tired of dealing with anxiety, of facing this life on your own, of trying to stand on your own two feet in the face of overwhelming trials that repeatedly attempt to knock you down, give Jesus a try.  You don't have to struggle through this life on your own.  What a hopeless, depressing thought that would be.  Life may be hard no matter what, but I'd rather face it from God's strong hands than face it on my own.)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Volcano Blew!

Well ... I knew this day was coming.  The day the volcano blew!  (Explained in more detail in this post.)  And so I think I'll be taking some time off from writing, maybe just adding a few small posts here and there.  I'm not sure when I'll get back to writing, but I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.  Take care and God bless!

[Thank you to Tim from Trader Joe's, for holding me while I sobbed uncontrollably in the check-out line, pouring my pain out to you.  And for praying for me in the parking lot.  Your kindness and emotional support during my breakdown probably saved me from another panic attack.  Thank you!  (I really hope I didn't end up on YouTube somewhere, recorded on someone's phone, balling my eyes out in the store.)]

Several great sermons from Tony Evans, just because I need them:

A few songs that help keep my faith up:

I AM by Crowder  (One of my favorite scenes in this song is at the 2:34 minute mark, when one of the disciples is laying on the floor crying, reaching out to a battered Jesus who's lying near him.  Oh, how I've felt that way so many times these past years, especially now.  Life has repeatedly beaten me down, and I'm laying on the floor crying, doing the only thing I can do - reaching out for the Lord who is nearby - even if it doesn't feel like it - during the painful trials, just hoping and praying to be able to touch Him with the tip of my finger to feel His presence and know that He is there.  Reaching out for the Lord while you're in pain - sometimes that's all you can do.  (And praising Him, of course.)  And sometimes that has to be enough.)

Oh, What Love by City Harmonic  (One of my all-time favorite songs.  Always makes me cry.)     

We Believe by Newsboys  (Such great truths that need to be remembered, especially in the hard times.  It's critical to remember that the Bible's truths trump our feelings and fears.  That the Bible's truths will outlast our feelings and fears.  Someday He's coming back again, and He will right all wrongs, make all bad things beautiful, and heal all hurts.  And that's a truth I cling to.)

Hallelujah Christmas by Cloverton  (A wonderful, encouraging song any time of year!)

Burn the Ships by For King and Country  (There will come a day when it's time to stop crying, to pick yourself up off the floor, dust yourself off, put the past behind you, and move forward.  Someday, for whatever trials we're in, there will come a day to "burn the ships."  For the backstory to this song, click here.)

In The Sky by Bob Carlisle, Russ Lee, and Ashley Cleveland  (I am so longing for this day!  Waiting for the Lord's return.  It's what helps keep me going.)

Praise the Lord by City Harmonic  (No matter what you're going through - good or the bad - this is critical to maintaining your faith, to staying near to the Lord, and to keeping evil away as much as possible.  Praise the Lord.  No matter what.  You might not be able to fix the problems that are coming your way, but you can turn the problems into "sacred ground," into a springboard for praise.  You can't choose the hand you're dealt, but you can choose how to play your cards!)

(You can find more great songs in this post: My "When Anxiety Strikes" Playlist

Monday, November 4, 2019

If someone protests the police ...

Regarding this up-and-coming generation's fascination with protesting the police, my suggesting is ...

If someone is going to protest the police, then they should NOT be allowed to call on the police for help if ever they find themselves the victim of a crime!

If you protest the police and then someone breaks into your home, don't call the cops for help.  If someone mugs you in an alley, deal with it yourself.  If someone crashes into your car while you're driving, you're on your own.

If you are going to trash those who are trying to help us, then you shouldn't be allowed to call on them for help.  

You know what really gets me?

Do people not realize that the more they protest the police and lash out against the police and vilify the police, the less people there are who will want to become police?  And the less police there are, the more criminal activity there will be.  Because there will be less police to fight it and because these protesters are stirring up major disrespect for authority and for laws.

And so who should we blame when crime is running rampant but there's no one to fight it?

That's right ... these protestors.

I'm not saying that all cops are good cops or that cops are perfect.  And I'm not saying we shouldn't protest police actions that are truly wrong.  But I am saying that we need to stand up against this generalized attitude of lawlessness and rebellion and disrespect being spread by people like those protesting police just for the sake of protesting.  We need to fight for the respect of police, for our men and women in uniform.  Before we find ourselves in a country where the protestors have become the dangerous ones and where crime is growing but there's no one to call on for help.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Would You Allow A Grown Man's Naked Crotch In Your Child's Face?

If this doesn't wake people up to what's wrong in our society today, what's it gonna take!?!  An underwear-less Drag Queen grabbing a child's hand and running it up his skirt!?!  A half-naked Drag Queen "accidentally" touching children in inappropriate ways!?!  

But if we can't trust adults to realize that the stuff that's already going on is totally inappropriate, if we can't trust them to stand up against it for the sake of the children, then WHY would we expect them to protect children from "inappropriate" touches?  Especially when the government is supporting and protecting this inappropriate stuff!  

Apparently so-called "intelligent" adults have lost their brains and morals so badly that they can't even identify "inappropriate" anymore, even when its naked crotch stares them in the face during a children's Library Story Hour!

God help the children!  Because the adults apparently won't!

(Click here for more stories like this, to see just a little bit about how bad it's getting!)

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pray for Tony Evans' Wife

Please say a prayer for Tony Evans' wife, who is battling cancer.  This is my favorite preacher, and it makes me sad to know they're going through this.

"Please Pray": Tony Evans Shares Wife Lois Needs A Miracle In Her Cancer Battle

How Much Power Do Witches Have? (repost)

There have been articles coming out recently about a rise in witchcraft in America.  One article says that witchcraft is growing astronomically and that witches now outnumber Presbyterians in the United States.  And another article (along with this one) says that witches gathered the other day to hex Brett Kavanaugh, to take back the country, and to support abortion rights.  And they've been trying to hex President Trump, too, according to other articles.  And recently, Salem unveiled the largest Ouija Board ever, in the hopes of attracting the largest ghost ever.  (I wouldn't be surprised if they get the results they want.  Only it won't be "ghosts.")

This makes me wonder ... How much power do witches really have?

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pray for Kanye and Kim

First off, let me say that I have never been a fan of the Kardashians or of Kanye.  I have never watched an episode of the Kardashians, nor could I identify even one Kanye song.  So this isn’t coming from a super-fan of either of these people.  This is coming from the heart of a Christian who knows how strong the spiritual battle is and how much we need prayer.

I am asking other Christians out there to pray for Kanye and Kim.

I know that there are a lot of Christians who mock Kanye’s conversion.  But I don’t.  I would NEVER mock another person whose brokenness led them to Christ.  That has got to be one of the quickest ways to discourage a new Christian, someone who needs the support of other Christians to help them grow in faith and wisdom.  And yet, here are fellow “Christians” ripping apart a new believer instead of coming alongside him and encouraging him.  Shame on them!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Should Christians Watch Horror Movies? (repost)

I visited a Christian blog recently where the author shared a list of her favorite scary movies to watch on Halloween.  And they were some of the worst of the worst.  Violent, demonic, evil.  And she said that she's happy her kids are old enough to watch them now so that they can watch the movies together.  (I'm not sure how old her kids are, but she is not an old, grandma-aged mom.)

I was horrified.  And I told her in the comment section that I was shocked that a Christian website would encourage those kinds of movies.  I told her that I didn't think it's right to encourage things that are clearly contrary to God.  (For the record, I used to love scary movies ... until I found myself home alone, remembering the terrifying images of these movies.)  

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pray for Meghan and Harry

I am.  

This interview with Meghan (at least the tiny segment I saw in this clip) absolutely broke my heart.  

You can tell that the little bit of emotion she revealed is only a tiny speck of what she's really feeling inside.  And when you've been in that kind of pain before, you can't help but be heartbroken when you see others who are hurting that badly too.  And so I am praying for them.  Please pray for them too.  

God can reach into places that no one else can and heal the pain that no one else sees.

(And I give her enormous credit for being honest and vulnerable.  Takes a strong person to do that!)

(For others who are hurting, click here for some ideas that might help.)

Orwell's 1984 and America

The difference between conservatives and liberals:

Some Carman Songs For Halloween

Yes, these are older songs and a bit campy, but they are fun and full of truth.  And they're blasts from the past for me, taking me back to my youth!  (I didn't mean to make it rhyme.)  

A Witch's Invitation - Love this one!

No Monsters - See, Carman knows the power of Jesus's name!

Satan, Bite The Dust - I wouldn't go around challenging Satan, but Carman's making a good, important point here about the power of God compared to the power of the devil.

God's Got An Army - with a little Narnia thrown in

Revival in the land  - Are you on your knees in prayer for our country? 

The Courtroom - I just watched this one for the first time.  Interesting.

The Champion - this will always be one of his best!

Radically Saved (Live) - the whole hour-plus show.  This is one of the first albums I got of his.  And it's still one of my favorites.

Radically Saved - just the song

This Blood is for You - A powerful song

Monday, October 21, 2019

Three Guidelines For Christians Regarding Halloween (repost)

Halloween is coming up.  And of course the question for Christians is "How much should we participate in Halloween, if at all"?

Truthfully, I don't know.

My personal choice would be to have nothing to do with Halloween, except for eating candy.  (Thankfully, my boys never wanted to dress up in costumes.)  I don't feel comfortable participating in anything that "celebrates" death, violence, demons, witches, the occult, etc.  Those kinds of things are very real in the world and shouldn't be encouraged, laughed at, or glorified at all.

But I also don't think there's anything wrong with meeting with friends, having some good clean fun, eating candy, enjoying God's wonderful Autumn blessings, etc.  Even dressing up just for fun isn't inherently wrong.    

But is that too close to "celebrating Halloween"?  

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hypocritical Liberals! A Fundamental Problem In America!

So ... when it comes to prayer in schools, we have to abide by the "separation of church and state" thing:  "Kentucky School Removes 'Prayer Locker' After Anti-Religion Group Complains"  (So it doesn't matter if the students wanted it or were helped by it, does it!?!  All that matters is that the anti-religion group gets their way!)  

When someone chooses, out of love and compassion, to give their Bible to a hurting person who's at the end of their rope, the liberals cry "Separation of church and state!":  "Left-Wing Group Files Complaint Against Christian Judge Who Hugged, Gave Bible To Remorseful Killer"  (So it's not enough that the Left-Wingers lack compassion and love and would rather see broken people stay broken, but now they have to force others to be just like them too!  To stop others from showing compassion and love and from helping hurting people!)

Christians want to help tutor struggling students?  "Unconstitutional," cry the liberals: "Anti-Religion Group Says Public School Mentoring By Christians Is Unconstitutional".  (They'd rather let kids struggle than have them helped by Christians!)

But ... when it comes to pushing your LGBTQ-agendas on others, well ... no "separation of church and state" now, huh!?!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sunday, October 13, 2019

In "Honor" of Halloween: My Story of Demonic Harassment (repost)

(Reposted from last year and retold in various other posts.  I may just repost this one yearly at this time of year.)

In “honor” of Halloween (a day that deserves no honor), I’m gonna share with you why we don’t celebrate Halloween.  (We take our kids to a movie instead, or buy a movie they’ve been wanting and have a “family movie night” with candy and popcorn.  So no need to feel sorry for them; they are not deprived.)  

I don’t expect anyone to believe me, but I’m going to share my story.  (And for the longer version of this story on my other blog, click here.)  It’s my story about how I came to fully trust in Jesus’s name and to passionately cling to Him, to never be able to doubt the existence of a spirit world, to place such a high priority on prayer and God’s Word, and to always remember my need for spiritual armor.  And once again, you don’t have to believe me.  (But don’t say I never warned you.  And if you are a skeptic and get nothing from this whole section, just remember this: “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave.”  In case you ever need it.)

It started on a dark night in the middle of nowhere, in the bluffs of Iowa, where there are virtually no neighbors, no sounds, no cars going by at night.  Pitch black, silent darkness.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

When The Volcano Blows

I was listening to Jimmy Buffet's Volcano earlier as I was driving, and I was thinking, "Wow, this kinda feels like life right now.  The grounds are shaking, the waters are churning, smoke's starting to rise ... and I know that one of these days the 'volcano' is gonna blow.  And when it does, I don't know how I'll handle it."

I can't explain yet what the "volcano" is, but maybe someday.  

Sunday, October 6, 2019

"Bring me pain, Lord, if it brings You glory!"

(Reposted from a couple years ago from my other blog, but updated for me for today.  Because I need it.  Note to self: Remember 10/2/19, the day the "tsunami" hit.) 

I’ve always found the statements of “I want the Lord to do whatever He wants in my life to bring Him the most glory possible, even if it means bringing me pain” to be inspirational …

and a bit “off.”

When I was 21 (half my lifetime ago), I went to Papua New Guinea for a summer on a mission trip.  And I told my mom that I picked PNG over any other place because it was so remote and primitive.  I said that I wanted to have everything taken away to really challenge me, to grow my faith in new ways.  And I meant it.  I really did.  My heart was in the right place.

But my mom said something wise, something that stuck.  She said, “Don’t ask for that!  Never ask for that!  Because He could take away everything – your legs, your eyesight, your health, your home, etc.”

Wow!  So true.

As I thought about it, I realized that I didn’t really want God to do “whatever.”  I didn’t want Him to take away all my comforts, just the ones I could do without for a summer.  I didn’t want to be broken into pieces, just smooth off a couple rough edges.  I didn’t want to be tried like Job was; I just wanted a little adventure that would grow my faith in fun, exciting, safe ways.