[This series is "The 9 Marks of a Calvinist Cult" split up into smaller, individual posts.]
3. Multiple Layers for Maximum Deception
In Calvinism, there are always layers, at least two: the one they want you to see and the one they don't. What they say and what they mean. What they want you to think they really believe and what they really believe.
If you read Piper's article, you'll notice how somewhat sweet and humble he makes his hard-core Calvinism seem. But do you notice what's missing?
The flipside. The bad parts. The parts that would raise most Christians' red flags. The thing is, he's only sharing one layer of Calvinism, only telling the story from the side of the Calvinist elect and God's relationship to them. But he hides the deeper, darker layer, completely ignoring how God relates to the non-elect.
If Calvinist teachings sound like "good news," it's only because they're telling it from the perspective of "the elect." And only the elect.